
Number One KVUE TV (ABC) had a conundrum. They were broadcasting the National Basketball finals on this last night of analog television. News managers had to decide whether this weather phenomenon was dangerous and weigh that against an audience of aroused basketball fans. So, for much of the night, KVUE compromised. They did a split screen with weather and the game. Some of the time there was audio from Mark Murray, KVUE TV chief meteorologist. Some of the time there was game audio. Some of the time, the game was squeezed down in the corner of the screen. Other times, they chose to preempt the game. These are difficult decisions, and there is money on the line. If they went all-weather-all-the-time, they would be blowing out commercials.
KEYE TV was the first on the air, even before NOAA weather radio! Susan Vessell was calm, concise, and engaging. KEYE TV still has the best weather graphics, and Vessel knows how to use them. KXAN TV was on next with an alert. After a break and a little programming, they came back on to stay.
KXAN TV won the night. Why? It was a team effort. Jim Spencer was joined by colleagues Natalie Stoll and Mary Lee. Each took on a task as the evening progressed and performed well downloading viewer pictures and taking calls. Further, KXAN used all of its toys. The station has the second-best weather graphics, and Spencer is a wizard with them. I swear the man can talk forever and always have something to say. KXAN also used its exclusive Llano tower camera and its exclusive “Live Strike” graphics, showing real-time lightning strikes. Why is it exclusive? Morning weather man Shawn Rutherford is a co-inventor of the software. No other station in the world has it! KXAN also used broadband for at least one live shot—a good idea when there is lightning.
KEYE also used broadband. KEYE TV followed the storms all of the way through the metro area. Susan Vessell’s only on-air help seemed to be solo anchor Judy Maggio at the anchor desk. Maggio did telephone interviews and tossed to live shots.
What about the other media? KVUE’s Mark Murray sounded like he was losing his voice. He eventually got some help, but they had little more than their third-rate graphics and software. Toward 10 p.m., KVUE aired pictures from viewers off of the Internet.
KTBC TV (Fox) was almost flippant about its coverage. Its maps looke

At 9:58 p.m. KXAN’s Jim Spencer walked watchers through the evening with deft precision stepping the radar screens as the storm cluster marched across the metro area. It dove-tailed into the late news.
KEYE kept showing the current weather past the top of the hour driving its audience into the news. I don’t know what happened during their news, but Gregg Watson ended up doing an approximate ten-minute interview with the Bertram Police Chief. It was a good interview, but I rather doubt that was the plan. Gregg Watson kept it rolling.
Meantime, KXAN’s Shannon Wolfson kept losing her live shot. Leslie Rhode and Robert Hadlock rolled with it back at the station.
Does all of this heat and light translate into ratings? My opinion of who was best may be blasted to oblivion by the overnights. Let the record show, however, this night I did watch every broadcast or telecast medium in town.
[A note about the photos: What you see on the air depends on the TV station’s software and how well the staff uses it. Looking at four screens, one might think he was seeing different storms at times, but the staff was shifting through different sensitivities and different programs to describe the storm. So, when I rate the weather graphics, I’m talking about these variables.]
© Jim McNabb, 2009
Thanks for the critique... you sound like you were as busy as everyone else but in a slightly different form of coverage... covering those who cover the weather.
I was longing for pictures... Another thing live, local tv does better than any other medium. I know there was potentially dangerous lightning, but what about the old inter-web? I was happy watching the game on KVUE2, while glancing out my window at the fireworks.
One other note: I love KXAN but this morning they ran two different version of the same story with two different reporters. The first was a VO/B presented live, followed by a package from the night before. Exact same video, even in the same shot sequence. Weak. Are you telling me KXAN only sent out one crew last night? Finally the live reporter this morning made reference to a "fallen tree" in her live shot... It was NOT fallen, there was a split limb but the tree was not "blown over by the storm" as she suggested. Again, weak. (in my opinion)
That guy in the breaking newsroom on 36 was really cool, calm and collected too!
Question... did Murray run live on the kvue dt 2 weather channel?
Why don't/can't the stations stream their live coverage on the web during severe weather events? Then the internet coverage would be just as useful as what's on TV.
For such a tech savvy market like Austin not to have better storm coverage point to one thing...inexperience. Austin gets a true severe storm only a couple of times a year. Tornadic weather maybe once a year in the viewing area and rarely near the metro. The wx guys.gals are simply not atune to it, thus the street crews, assignments desk, anchors, production crew are not accustomed to the fluid coverage storms bring.
You'll never see streaming video or chase crews, because they just aren't accustomed to it.
D/FW is another example of a severe prone market that can't cover severe wx.
Of course chasing in cities and at night presents several safety issues but, as far as coverage goes... nothing beats being there for your viewers and is that not what teevee news & wx is all about? Being there.
Don't give me the tree into the shed in Marble Falls 3 hours later in the dark.
Step it up.
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